The book was generally well-liked and we had some great conversations about the historical content of the book. About halfway through the book I worried that we had chosen a glorified Historical Romance novel and if the main characters road off into the sunset at the end, I was going to be very disappointed. Thankfully the author was brave enough to write a real, believable ending. My only complaint was that the ending was a bit abrupt and the author left some loose ends, which is always irritating. Otherwise, I thought this was a very worthwhile read.
One of the goals of Book Club is to read things that we might not normally read on our own. We talked about branching farther out to include science fiction, mysteries, biographies and possibly more classics (we read about three classics per year). Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
What a great idea, to do a blog. Fun! I'll get you my recipe for the latkes asap. Hugs!
Did we decide to move the next meeting? I'm already, desperately, so far unsuccessfully, trying to loose this extra tonage!!!
re: Suggestions. You mentioned science fiction. It's not usually my thing, but have you ever read/heard of "The Left Hand of Darkness"by Ursula LeGuin? A friend recommended it and then, it was also recommended in the movie "The Jane Austen Book Club" by the male character. It's now on my list, but it would be more interesting to read it with others.
I like the idea of a blog about children's books! That's great. I usually buy them off of Amazon and read the reviews - much easier than sifting through all the books in a book store.
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