Monday, May 5, 2008

The Unchosen Ones

or...Books Currently Making Their Way

Through the Underground Book Club


Bethany said...

So far I've read, Water for Elehpants, Whistling in the Dark, Come Back, and The Jane Austin Book Club. I am working on The Birth House.

Anonymous said...

For me I've read: Water for Elephants, Garden Spells, and Whistling in the Dark. I've read 3 books since our meeting but they aren't on the list.

HatriQ said...

For me I've read: Water for Elephants, Garden Spells, and Whistling in the Dark. I've read 3 books since our meeting but they aren't on the list.

Anonymous said...

HatriQ: Is anyone else having trouble with Google/Blogger remembering your password to post? Maybe I'm just terribly lame!

HatriQ said...

Never mind, it's me...I'm an IDIOT!

Bethany said...

Hatriq-What are you reading? Please blog about it. Inquiring minds want to know!

HatriQ said...

I just finished Butterfly Garden and (oh crap! I can't remember the name...) Oh well! (that happens a lot these days!) I've started A Certain Slant of Light-Laura Whitcomb and then I'm on to Molakai! No reading today though...I've just been initiated into the realm of filling out paperwork for school enrollment! Holy Cow!

Anonymous said...

I'm working on The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty ... wowzers!! (Lick finger, put it in the air, sizzling sound here....) Don't think I'll get through the whole trilogy before I need to start working on Molokai though...

Did I see something about hubbies coming to the May meeting? Did I miss that? I don't remember hearing that...