Friday, May 2, 2008


Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind. ~James Russell Lowell

My name is Burpykitty. Welcome to my online Book Club! I have my regular girls that I meet with once a month (you'll meet some of them soon, I am sure as I have invited them to post here as well)and I invite anyone who wants to give their opinion and/or perspective to join us here at Of Books and Women.

Let me tell you a little about our Book Club. We have been meeting once a month since January 2006. If you look at the books listed to the left of this post you will find all of the books we have read and met about in the past 2-1/2 years. In the beginning we were letting each member choose a book and host that month. We found that this was not a good strategy because we all like each other and if one of us hated the book we felt we couldn't really be honest. In our new system, we choose books 3 months at a time and it is a democracy. We each bring ideas for books and we vote for the top three. This strategy has worked out much better. We have a different hostess each month and we always have a food theme (potluck) that coincides with the book. Let me tell you, we have had some of the most amazing meals doing it this way! Later, as we begin to review books, I will be posting the food theme and recipes for your enjoyment also.

I hope you will join us and let us know what you are reading too! We also have what I like to call the Underground Book Club. These are the books that seem to make their way around Book Club anyway, even if they haven't officially been chosen by the gals.

Also, COMING SOON I will be adding a link to another blog where I will list and review children's books. I pre-read a great deal of my children's books and I think it is important to be up to date on what children like to read. So, be looking for that soon.

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!


Anonymous said...

Woohooo! Perfect quote. I love it. Looking forward to this whole thing!

Anonymous said...

BTW...I am reading 'Birth House" by Ami McKay
Next is likely 'Something Wicked this way Comes' per XY17's request.

HatriQ said...

I'm reading Water for Elephants right now. I think this is one of the "Underground" books that has gone around isn't it?

Anonymous said...

burrnaise said...yeah! a book club i can in participate from afar. thanks burpykitty for hearing my need! love y'all

Burpykitty said...

Burrnaise, get yourself officailly signed up so you can really participate! You should have received and invitation to be a Blog author. I updated all of the upcoming books so you'll know far ahead of time what we are going to be reading. Also, picked up Do Hard Things - looking forward to it!