Ok, bookies...this is my first post so I can't wait to hit the 'publish post' button to see what this looks like (it's the little things that make me excited). The Kitchen Boy, A Novel of the Last Tsar was my weekend read. By weekend read, I mean that the thickness of the book is that of, Of Mice and Men, less than 250 pages. Since I'm new to the group, I don't know if this book has already been hit upon or not. If so, nevermind. If not, check this one out. We are taught that Tsars are bad and democracy is good, but The Kitchen Boy personalizes the Romanov family through the eyes of the family kitchen boy, Leonka, who is witness to the last days of the Romanovs during the Russian Revolution at the hands of the Bolsheviks.
This is what bn.com has to say:
Writer Robert Alexander, a fluent Russian speaker who studied in Leningrad, became fascinated with an obscure reference in the Empress Alexandra's personal journal shortly before her death, noting that their kitchen boy had been sent away. This brief reference from a forgotten 1918 diary took root in Alexander's imagination and, after much research, blossomed as his new novel The Kitchen Boy. This intriguing work of speculative historical fiction re-creates the last days of the tsar through the eyes of the young Leonka, who recalls how he secretly returned to the Siberian house that served as the Romanovs' prison and witnessed their execution.
But of course there are twists & turns...did he or didn't he, is he or isn't he? The epilogue satisfies any questions. Now, I'm ready for more about the Romanovs. Any suggestions?
1 comment:
I am not familiar with this time period at all - except isn't the Romanoff family what the movie Anastasia is about? This might be new territory to venture into for the next time we pick books. I am still plugging away at "The Witching Hour". I am enjoying it but it is taking me forever! I finally had to put it down and get started on Moloka'i. I am looking forward to next Friday! I Love Book Club!
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