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I almost missed your comment on the Welcome message. That would be a perfect opportunity to ask others about The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula LeGuin. No, I have not heard of it but it sounds interesting. What do the rest of you think? We have been talking about adding more genres to our repetoire... this might be a good choice for science fiction.

From BN.com:
The Left Hand of Darkness explores the themes of sexual identity, incest, xenophobia, fidelity, and betrayal in a tale of an Earth ambassador, Genly Ai, who is sent to the planet of Gethen, whose inhabitants are androgynous. Through his relationship with a native, Estraven, Ai gains understanding both of the consequences of his fixed sexual orientation and of Gethenian life. As in many of her works, Le Guin incorporates a social message in her science fiction tale. Scholes feels that "the great power of the book comes from the way it interweaves all its levels and combines all its voices and values into an ordered, balanced, whole."
Incest, sexual identity and xenophobia in one book?!? Sign me up!
One of the things that I love about Book Club is that it gets me out of my "box," having me read works that I may have overlooked otherwise. I'd be game!
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