Monday, June 16, 2008


I'm gonna give this 'blog thing' a try. Don't generally spend much time on the computer but, here goes. Needed something to do yesterday while waiting at the hospital so, read Dean Koontz's new book "The Good Guy". Nice change from several of his other recent books. It's not a horror story. No paranormal stuff and no government conspiracies. Actually created a hero who is defined by his actions. Nice positive quick read.


Bethany said...

Hi Lori, I read "The Husband", which has a similar theme I think. I am very excited to read "Odd Thomas" by Dean Koontz. I recieved "Brother Odd" for Mother's Day and loved it. I didn't expect to like it because I like Kontz's horror.

Burpykitty said...

That wasn't so hard was it? I can't remember the last Dean Koontz book I read. I should throw one in now and then to break up all of the serious stuff.