Book Club: As always, the food was excellent! Our host made a beef stew to die for!! Haha, pun totally intended! She also has these amazing infused waters, lemon/rosemary and lemon/cucumber. We also had ham/aparagus roll-ups, breadsticks, about 6 different kids of cheese and crackers, grapes, honey beer and a delicious fruit tart for dessert. Once we were all fat and happy, we talked about the book. I think we all agreed that the idea for the story was good and we all loved the main character. However, the actual writing was rough and certain aspects of the story were so implausible they actually bordered on ridiculous. I still thought the book was worth reading though. I personally would give this author another chance simply because I liked the main character so well.
So sorry I missed it! I still haven't finished the book!!!
Absolutely love hearing about the food adventures at your meetings. I enjoyed this book, too.
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