This was one of our finalists for our memoir month selection and I was intrigued so I went ahead and read it anyway. This may be best for somebody who is more music minded as each chapter has a list of songs from a mix tape from the authors collection. He uses these tapes as a timeline for his life, from dorky jr high dances where he made the tape for the dance, to when his wife of 5yrs suddenly dies and his grieving afterwards. In this day of ipods and cd's, I don't know if people in their 20's will appreciate the music nostalgia in this book and one of the icon's of our youth, the mix tape, that us more mature ladies would. I'll bring this along to our next meeting.
I think I still have mixed tapes (at least one!) from when hubby and I first started dating. Plus, I can't tell you how many I made for myself in jr. high and high school. This is totally up my alley!
He even talks about the different kinds of mix tapes you can make (breakup, workout, new love) and how we used to tape songs off of the radio and mess up the end of the song (either cut it short or go too long)...ah the golden olden days
I think I would love this, too ... music (especially from the 80's) can just yank me right back to certain events and memories. I know somewhere in my storage I have mix tapes, I totally remember trying to time it right to hit "record!!"
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