the story of his youth in poverty stricken England before and during
WWI. Everybody on his street is poor, if you're Christian you work in the mill, if you're Jewish you work in the tailor shops. The Christians and Jews live on the same street but on opposite sides of the invisible wall. The only school available to the Jewish kids is a Christian school where they learn about Easter the same week they prepare for Passover at home. There's so many things gong on in this story, the mother who tries to hold the family together and dreams of going to America, and the father who drinks, gambles and is an abusive stranger to his family. Eventually, one of his older sisters falls in love with a Christian boy and the family and neighborhood fall into chaos.
This story is heartbreaking and sweet. It's both a personal memoir and a love story seen through the eyes of a young boy. The author has written a sequel, The Dream, which he wrote at the age of 97. I loaned this out to my mom, but I'll bring it when I get it back...or you can just pick it up at Target like I did.