The book was well-liked by everyone except me. I struggled to read this book and I struggled to put into words why I hated it so much. I am not the one who should be doing the write up on this book, I honestly welcome anyone else to do this book review justice.
After the book review and a rousing political discussion (where I had more unpopular opinions, I might add) we descended into talking about home, kids, parenting...(sigh) I come to book club to escape home, kids, parenting. I like talking about books and literature, politics and world views. I want to know what everyone else is reading? What do they want to read? I spend enough time thinking about my house, my kids, my parenting, homework, laundry - I want to expand my brain a little. Maybe it is just my stinky attitude this month, maybe I have become a complete and total book snob, maybe this climate of economic and political fear has made me really, really cranky and edgy or maybe I just really want to relax once a month and talk about the second love of my life - books. Am I way off base, what do you think?
Looks I missed a doozie! Ok, here's my take on the book: I didn't love it but I don't think I disliked it as much as burpykitty. It took me a while to get into it, but once I did it almost felt like a chore to get through it. The main question I had was, is he an alcoholic, or was he just addicted to Publicans? Would he have become an alcoholic if there was no Publicans and the drinks weren't free? If I was in my 20's and had a bar where the drinks were free, I'd be a raging alkie too! Thoughts?
I wouldn't say I loved the book ... but I liked it enough. I'm on the last chapter right now. Haven't had much time to read the last week! I did enjoy watching JR make the revelations as he "grew up" that he did. I also could see how this bar and these men filled a void in his childhood and young adulthood that he couldn't fill any other way. Will I keep it for another read? No. But I do feel like it was worthy of my time (or you know I would have kicked it to the curb and not finished it!). And BK - I see your point in your post. I think everyone is a little edgy and cranky these days. ((HUGS))
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