Always enjoy his books! The power of this novel lies in the genuine compassion that Dean Koontz exhibits through Amy (the main character) and her love for and near obsession to rescue both people and dogs from abuse and neglect. Amy
Redwing operates Golden Heart, a Golden
Retriever rescue service, that brings her to the home of abused housewife and mother Janet
Brockman. Amy and her close friend Brian McCarthy rescue Janet, her two kids, and their
retriever Nicki from Janet's abusive
husband. Immediately, Amy recognizes a seemingly
supernatural connection with Nicki, the golden
retriever. And soon
after, Amy discovers that she is being followed. Fast paced - fast read. Left me thinking about good, evil, and souls.
Ooooh I love Dean Koontz, and I love dogs ... I think I would love this book!! Borrow?? ;)
Fast reads are so nice sometimes. This one sounds good.
As the owner of a golden retriever I may have to pick this one up...and I'm not a huge Koontz fan.
Saw this at the library, picked it up, read it, then remembered why I don't read Dean Koontz books.
I just finished this and loved it!
Read this while I was at the desert ... loved it! Suspenseful and kept me wrapped in ... but I thought the ending was a little anticlimactic considering the depth of the lead-up.
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