I know that most of us feel strongly about Ian McEwan, we either love him or could do without him. I am of the love him camp, but this book wasn't my favorite of his. The novel centers around Henry Perowne, a successful neurosurgeon with an equally successful wife and two grown children. The story takes place all in one day, a Saturday, sometime after 9/11 but before the war with Iraq. As Henry makes is way to his weekly squash game with a fellow doctor, there is an anti-war protest going on and he has to make a detour. As in all the McEwan novels I've read, the detour always means that something good/bad is going to happen and Henry gets into a small fender bender with Baxter, a small angry twitchy man with a tendancy for violence. But to Henry's trained eye, he thinks there may be something neurologically wrong with Baxter. Not to give anything away, but everything comes full circle for Henry & Baxter. Like I said, wasn't my favorite McEwan novel, but does bring up the question of what would you do for revenge.
Adria, sounds like your cup of tea.
LOL BK, I was just going to say that! I'm definitely in the "love Ian McEwan" camp....
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