This is Reichl's follow up book to Tender at the Bone. Where
Tender was filled with innocence and kind of a wide-eyed wonder,
Comfort covers her life experiences and how that translates to her view of food. I thought it was funny that while she promotes organic growing methods and sustainable farming, recycling, etc., she has no trouble eating foie gras and practically just born lamb. If you don't know about foie gras, it is created by force feeding/over feeding (with a tube shoved down their throat) geese until their liver is oversized and fatty. Fatty goose liver - which is fine I guess but incredibly inhumane and totally at odds with her other worlds views. I am told she addresses this dichotomy in her next book
Garlic and Sapphires. These books by Ruth Reichl are not gripping, can't-put-'em-down novels but they are just fun easy books to read and exactly what I needed during this transition back to school. Also, I love that they are filled with recipes. When I get a breather I plan to try a few. I'll bring them to Book Club to share.
Fois gras. Never wanted to try it, and never knew how they created it. That's horrid. I'm not a tree-hugging environmentalist wacko (as my husband says), but I've never had an urge for veal, or lamb and I don't do organs. Poor little geese.
Oh please! It is delicious! And so is lamb! Veal just doesn't have much flavor in my opinion.
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