So, I have taken on the role of Library Chairwoman at the kids school. It is essentially the school librarian. Before I tell you all anything more about this, let me say 1) I
wanted this job!, 2) I am not getting paid and 3) I don't think anyone will argue that I am just a little crazy.
That being said, over the summer the school's new administration decided to split the upper and lower school libraries. This is a good thing, but they left us with quite a mess. So, the former
Ruler of the Library (who so generously bestowed her title upon me, actually she begged me to take over!) and I have been working to get things put back together. I didn't think this was a big deal until I realized that over the years we have had several people entering books into our library system. Therefore, our library is not a normal library. We had things stashed willy-nilly everywhere. I have in the last 2 weeks touched and moved
every single book in the library. I had piles of trash books, new donated books, books to move to the upper library, etc., etc., etc. Being the controlling, completely anal retentive person that I am, I have been obsessed with this project. At night I move and organize books in my sleep. I even felt the need to go through all of my books at home and sort more piles to add to my piles at the library!
I am not complaining, I'm really not. Anyone who knows me knows that I
love this kind of challenge! I am proud to say that I have one last section to put right and the library will be absolutely beautiful! I kind of wish I could show it to all of you.