Monday, June 1, 2009

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

I cannot believe I never read this book as a child! What a great story! I am definitely keeping this one in my arsenal of Read-Alouds for the Library. It is a well-written, fun, not too scary good vs. evil story with a great ending. What more could you ask for in a children's' book? This summer is going to be great!


DiscoSplitz said...

I've never read it either and has always been one of those in my "to read" pile. Guess it is moving to the top of the list!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading this right now!! :o) Started it last week.

Bethany said...

Great book! I read it twice asa a child, and once as an adult. There are themes and imagery that have stayed with me!

Bethany said...

Great book! I read it twice asa a child, and once as an adult. There are themes and imagery that have stayed with me!