This book has been an astounding shock to my way of life in very good ways. While I don't necessarily buy all of the global warming propaganda, I can appreciate the need to buy local for many reasons. Peppered with interesting statistics about our food industry, I found the most interesting to be the statement that our children's generation is the first to have a shorter life expectancy than the previous generation. What!?! I consider myself to be somewhat knowledgable about healthy food choices but in reading this book I realized how much I don't know. Now, I have been on the hormone/antibiotic/pesticide free bandwagon for awhile but what I had never considered was the ridiculous amount of money and petroleum spent to make every fruit or vegetable available to me year round. Believe it or not eating what's in season has never been something I paid much attention to. But it makes sense, if I buy local and what is in season then I am eliminating not only the waste of gas (and lining the pockets of the big oil companies) but probably buying and eating what my body and my kids bodies need during that time of year. What a concept! The biggest life changing information for me though was the thought that I would be helping big oil to continually line their pockets with my money when I buy stuff shipped here from all over the world. So, I have decided that the best way I can make a difference is to buy at the very least Made in the USA, better California Grown and best from the farmers at my local market. Very interesting read. I don't think I can do what she does and farm all of my needs from veggies and fruits to eggs and poultry but I will try to make my choices count towards the kind of world I want my children and grandchildren to grow up in.
1 comment:
I did not have a chance to read this book yet, but I am planning to! It is particularly scarey about our children's futures.
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