We are becoming experts at the fabulous meal book club meetings! We patterned our meal after Leon's Homecoming Dinner. We had Beef Roast, Roasted Potatoes, Grapes and Cheese platter, Potato Salad, Green Salad, Gin and Tonics, Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting and Chocolate Mint Cocktails. Everything was delicious!
The opinions on Atonement ranged from "so-so" to "loved, loved, loved it!" We all agreed that McEwan is a talented, poetic writer. Most agreed that it was a worthwhile read. Ladies, leave your individual comments here my creative juices just aren't flowing this morning!
I'm in the "loved loved loved" group! I thought this book was fantastic. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Briony for what was surely lifelong guilt. What a great story, such a change from "typical" plots. The meeting was a great time girls! My place is open for the next one. Steve said he will make himself scarce. :)
I'm not even sure I made it to the 'so so' group. I had to struggle just to read this book. I only finished it with much encouragement. The first half of this book focused on child who commits a horrible crime of wrongfully sending a man to prison. Not sure where in the second half she ever displays guilt for what she did. It felt like she kept trying to explain away her lie because of others behaviors. And then, she is unwilling to take ownership and truly 'atone' for her lie because she might get sued. I think I got focused on a character that was totally unlikeable. The author is definitely a gifted story teller - I just didn't like the story.
I almost gave up! But I finished the book and I'm glad I did. Like Lori, I hated the the rotten kid that started it all. I could have crawled into the book and slapped the &%$* out of her!
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