HELLO!....hello....hello... (those are echoes) Burr-naise? Laurie? Anyone!?!
Really bookies, I can only read so fast! If we want this site to be/stay interesting, I need you all to talk about what you're reading too. See, the way it works is you sign up to be an author on the site and then YOU post entries too. Or at the very least comment on what I write. Really! I need some help here!
Burr-naise said....sorry Burpykitty, been trying to deal with the "duck", and get the garden settled in,( it's way late. BTW, heirlooms are not as hardy as hybrids). Other than- Do the Hardest Thing Imaginable, and Encourage Your Teens to Do Hard Things You Never Did Yourself....and my Encyclopedia of Country Living..I haven't been reading much. Hopefully, next month, I'll stop whining, and start reading...Love Y'all.
I AM reading....I'll get to posting.
~ Laurie
Well, I am glad to hear from you guys, I was beginning to wonder if I was talking to myself...which when I think about it really isn't so unusual! ~LOL~
Been fighting through "Rant" - see post - going to start Faulkner today - I'm so excited!!
Yep!! You sound surprised!?!
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