I am so excited about the May meeting! I hope husbands will feel comfortable coming.
I noticed there was a movie about Daphne Du Maurier on TV the other day. I will check and see if they replay it. If you haven't read Rebbecca yet though, then don't watch it. There may be spoilers.
I am doing a lot of reading for work so I am only slowly working through "The Birth House". I am enjoying it very much.
What should be next on my list? Is there any chance we would pick "Something Wicked this Way Comes" for book club or should I read it on my own?
Do you read "lighter" books in the summer months? Somehow it seems like less of a sin to read my silly caterer/murder mystery books in the summer by the pool. I can't picture breaking out one the Russians, (Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov) in warm mild weather, although Nabokov's "Lolita" is perfectly acceptable. Maybe because it is set in America in the summertime instead of Russia in the perennial winter. I realize as I am writing this how much I am looking forward to the Twinkies of the literary world. I think Mary Higgins Clark has a new book out. Hmmm....
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