I picked this book up at a 2nd hand bookstore, based on the blurb on the back. I went into it knowing absolutely nothing about it. It is the story of Liesel Meminger, an illiterate nine year old girl, who is completely changed when she learns to read. She becomes an efficient thie
f, along with her best friend Rudy. The book is narrated by Death, who is fascinated with her, and finds time to watch her, in spite of the punishing workload WWII is providing him. It is the most innovative book I have read, maybe ever. It is an original story, brilliantly written. There are moments of humor, revenge, gore, and real true pure love. I did not realize until I finished the book that it was intended for a Young Adult audience. I would recommend it cautiously to most teenagers, but heartily to all adults. Reading this book was an unequaled pleasure.